Withdrawing Application 430-05-20-35

(Revised 10/01/17 ML3518)

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A household may voluntarily withdraw an application at any time prior to the determination of eligibility. This request can be oral or written. The worker must document in the casefile the request for withdrawal and send notice F214 - Application/Review Withdrawn, to the household to confirm the withdrawal. The household must be advised of its right to reapply.


If the worker has made a determination of eligibility the correct denial notice must be sent to the household even if the household requests the application withdrawn.


During the interview the county discovers the household will have excess income to qualify for the SNAP program and the income is expected to continue. The household requests their application withdrawn since they would not qualify.


The application must be pended for verification of the household income if it was not provided at the time of application.


If the household provides the verification of the income, the worker must deny the application for excess income, document the casefile and send notice F207-Excess Income to the household.


If the household fails to provide the verification of income the worker must deny the application for failure to provide information, document the casefile and send notice F201 – Failure to Provide Information at Application.